enclosure movement中文什么意思

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  1. The irish poor law of 1838 , the enclosure movement of land , and finally crops and brought incalculable misery and starvation to millions , combined to increase emigration
    1838年的贫困法,圈地运动,还有最后, 19世纪40年代末,因害虫毁灭了土豆使数百万人承受无法计算的痛苦与饥饿的大饥荒, (所有这些)结合在一起增加了移民
  2. Next , this chapter sets to analyze the farmers in this stage with the examples of “ sheep devour men ” in english enclosure movement and the “ farmers ’ termination ” in france , we are going to find an answer to the question : “ who are the ‘ farmers ’ now ? ” finally , the farmers ’ income in the transformational period will be discussed
    其次,分析转型期的农民,以英国“羊吃人”的圈地运动和法国“农民的终结”为例,进而回答今天,谁是“农民” 。


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  2. enclosure fire 什么意思
  3. enclosure fire model 什么意思
  4. enclosure framing 什么意思
  5. enclosure method 什么意思
  6. enclosure of oil 什么意思
  7. enclosure plan 什么意思
  8. enclosure planting 什么意思
  9. enclosure space 什么意思
  10. enclosure strength 什么意思



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